LinkedIn launches video: How B2B brands can capitalize

LinkedIn’s recent announcement that users will be able to upload video directly to its platform provides an incredible opportunity for B2B brands. For the first time companies will be able to leverage video in a business-focused platform instead of getting lost in the wash of videos on mainstream platforms like YouTube or Facebook.

But rather than post a video just for the sake of it, the dynamics of LinkedIn demand a more thoughtful, strategic approach on the front end.

Video has been proven to show more engagement in social media posts than text alone. And in today’s marketplace the thirst for original content that informs and provides valuable takeaways for your customers is paramount.

While engagement with video is high, it can be difficult to get people to watch the full video. So how do you invest the time to create a video and make sure the people it’s supposed to reach actually watch it?

You need to really know your audience, product / service and your company’s personal strengths. Each company should sit down and ask:

  • Who is our audience on LinkedIn and what do they want / need to hear from us?
  • Does that audience want a glossy, well-produced video or a quick, timely man on the street / talking head video that delivers news fast?
  • How long will my audience realistically watch a video?
  • Am I selling a product, service or information?
  • Is the top executive the right person to feature, or might someone else be more appropriate?
  • How much should I be prepared to spend on videos, and how much time and other resources should I be prepared to invest?
  • Do I understand the back-end analytics of my video’s performance?
  • Is video really the right medium for my audience?

Good video or bad video, every B2B company has an immense opportunity to ride the wave of an expanding business-focused platform and deliver their message to important audiences in a new and engaging fashion. Just do your homework before you yell Action!