about the author

Aly Svinte  Aly is an Integrated Media Planner with experience crafting unique media plans for clients across various verticals including tourism, healthcare, and education. Fueled by a collaborative spirit, Aly engages closely with clients to curate comprehensive, multi-channel, strategic initiatives. Her enthusiasm extends to delving into analytics to ensure campaigns are not just impactful but optimized for maximum return on investment.

What we are about to say may shock you: Big business goals require big marketing goals. Get into the blood, sweat, tears and glory of goal setting – and crushing – with some Goal Talk.

Why cookie-less marketing is pretty sweet 

Yes, we all know: cookies are going away. For years now, headlines have announced the shift, with all sorts of warnings and forebodings. How is this still making headlines? In fact, we’re not sure it needed that much attention to begin with – here’s why. 

Quick recap of the state of things: Major web browsers like Google Chrome are phasing out support for third-party cookies, forcing advertisers to explore alternative methods for targeting and tracking users. The exact timeline for the disappearance of cookies is uncertain, but advertisers need to prepare for a future without them.   

What does that future look like? It’s bright!  

Strategic marketers with sophisticated media programs have no reason to panic. In fact, the demise of third-party cookies in digital advertising signals a positive shift – one towards more privacy-centric and user-focused marketing practices.  

Here are six major advantages:  

  1. Focus on First-Party Data: Without cookies, marketers will need to rely on gathering more first-party data — information collected directly from customers. This requires brands to build stronger, deeper relationships with their audiences through customized experiences.  
  1. Quality Over Quantity: Moving away from cookies forces advertisers to adopt more thoughtful, quality-driven approaches to engage with consumers. This means less intrusive advertising and more relevant content for consumers.  
  1. Privacy-Respecting Technologies: Innovative technologies like privacy-focused identifiers (e.g., Apple’s IDFA), contextual targeting, and AI-driven data analysis enable effective advertising while prioritizing user privacy and consent.  
  1. Shift to Contextual Targeting: Instead of relying solely on browsing history, advertisers will need to focus on the context of the content a user is engaging with to deliver relevant ads. This method respects user privacy while delivering meaningful experiences.  
  1. User-Centric Approach: Brands that prioritize transparency and user control over their data are likely to build trust and loyalty among their customers, who now expect and even demand privacy measures.  
  1. Rise of New Marketing Strategies: The cookie-less era will require marketers to lean into strategies for influencer marketing, content partnerships and interactive experiences, among other innovative approaches.  

Someday, cookies will finally go away. Until that day, we will keep using them, but only as one small part of a much larger, more robust, marketing strategy. So everybody breathe, high-five your media team, and keep at it – it’s going to be fine.  

about the author

Aly Svinte  Aly is an Integrated Media Planner with experience crafting unique media plans for clients across various verticals including tourism, healthcare, and education. Fueled by a collaborative spirit, Aly engages closely with clients to curate comprehensive, multi-channel, strategic initiatives. Her enthusiasm extends to delving into analytics to ensure campaigns are not just impactful but optimized for maximum return on investment.